We aim to help you save as much time as possible while ensuring that no piece of information is lost. That's why we've developed a clear and straightforward workflow on a dedicated project platform.

Say goodbye to email chaos!

All project communication and information are consolidated in one place:

  • 1.

    Fill out the brief and discuss all project details

  • 2.

    Select music pieces

  • 3.

    Watch videos and leave comments directly on the same page below the videos

  • 4.

    Receive your final videos

User-Friendly Platform Streamlines Clear and Simple Project Communication:
  • Quick and Easy Project Setup

    Simply follow the link in the email, create your password, and you'll become part of the project.

  • Three Ways for Getting in Touch

    You can use the web browser, the app, or directly respond to email notifications.

  • Zero Chance of Missing Information

    You will receive email notifications for all project messages (or we can disable them if you use the app with push notifications).

  • No Regular Account is Required

    We will create a client access for you, so when we're finished

    with the project, you can simply exit, and all your data will be deleted.

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